7 предложений на английском что я не успел сделать на каникулах

unfinished vacation tasks missed holiday activities vacation regrets incomplete holiday plans unaccomplished vacation goals things not done on break unfulfilled vacation intentions

7 предложений на английском что я не успел сделать на каникулах

задан 2 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Of course! Here are seven sentences in English about things you didn't manage to do during the holidays:

  1. I didn't get the chance to visit my grandparents who live in the countryside.
  2. I had planned to finish reading the novel I started, but I couldn't find the time.
  3. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to organize my room and get rid of old clothes.
  4. I wanted to try cooking a new recipe, but I didn't manage to gather all the ingredients.
  5. I couldn't meet up with my old school friends, even though we had planned a reunion.
  6. Exploring the new art exhibition at the local museum was on my list, but I missed it.
  7. I hoped to start a daily jogging routine to improve my fitness, but it didn't happen.

These sentences reflect various activities you might have intended to do but didn't get around to during your break.

ответил 2 месяца назад

During my vacation, I didn't have time to visit all the museums and historical sites I wanted to see. I didn't get a chance to try the local cuisine and taste traditional dishes. I didn't have time to relax on the beach and enjoy the beautiful weather. I missed out on exploring the surrounding nature and going on hikes. I didn't have the opportunity to attend any cultural events or festivals happening in the area. I didn't get to meet and interact with locals to learn more about the culture and traditions. I didn't have time to shop for souvenirs and gifts for my friends and family back home.

ответил 2 месяца назад

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