Конечно! Давайте заполним пропуски в предложениях, используя правильные формы глаголов в прошедшем времени.
A. Rachel was embarrassed because she had brought her dad's boxer shorts to school.
(Здесь используется past perfect, так как действие "принести" произошло до момента, когда она почувствовала смущение.)
B. When I reached school this morning, the classes had begun. Our English teacher was in the classroom and was explaining something. The students were sitting at their desks and were listening to her.
(В данном случае "had begun" – это past perfect, так как занятия начались до того, как я пришёл. Остальные глаголы в past continuous, так как они описывают действия, которые происходили в момент, когда я пришёл.)
C. When I came yesterday, I found that I had forgotten to switch off the light in my room.
(Здесь "came" и "found" – это past simple, а "had forgotten" – past perfect, так как забвение выключить свет произошло до момента, когда я пришёл.)
D. When I went to music school yesterday, I met Lucille in the street. We hadn't seen each other for ages, so we had a lot to talk about. We were chatting so long that I was late for my piano lesson.
(Здесь "went" и "met" – это past simple, "hadn't seen" – past perfect, а "were chatting" – past continuous, так как процесс общения происходил на протяжении некоторого времени.)
Таким образом, все предложения выглядят следующим образом:
A. Rachel was embarrassed because she had brought her dad's boxer shorts to school.
B. When I reached school this morning, the classes had begun. Our English teacher was in the classroom and was explaining something. The students were sitting at their desks and were listening to her.
C. When I came yesterday, I found that I had forgotten to switch off the light in my room.
D. When I went to music school yesterday, I met Lucille in the street. We hadn't seen each other for ages, so we had a lot to talk about. We were chatting so long that I was late for my piano lesson.