Краткий пересказ It te Heat of the Moment плиз дам 50 баллов Сам текст When a volcano erupts, most people...

вулкан извержение фотография Мартин Ритце лава приключения исследование опасность природные явления

Краткий пересказ It te Heat of the Moment плиз дам 50 баллов Сам текст When a volcano erupts, most people want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as they can! German engineer Martin Rietze, on the other hand, grabs his camera and tries to get as close as he can and stay alive at the same time! He’s so close that he can feel the heat burning his face even through his gas mask. The lava flow is about a metre away and it’s getting closer every second. The ground beneath his feet is shaking and there is a deafening roar like a plane taking off. He can’t stay this close for too long because the gases and acids will destroy his camera, but Martin Rietze waits just long enough to see flaming hot lava and ash explode out of the nearby crater - and gets the perfect shot. Martin is a freelance photographer whose stunning photographs of volcanic eruptions are in high demand with newspapers and magazines all over the world. He is one of a small but dedicated group of volcano chasers. When a dorm ant volcano becomes active, they book the first flight to be as near as possible to it, set up camp and wait, sometimes for as long as two weeks. It takes a lot of patience as a volcano can erupt at any time, night or day and clouds, fog and steam often block the view. The final results though, like Martin’s shots of volcanic lightning - a phenomenon that still mystifies scientists - are definitely worth it! When the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland erupted in 2010 and ash clouds closed airspace over Northern Europe, Martin was already on the scene for some of his most spectacular shots. After spending three sleepless nights in freezing temperatures, Martin got within three feet of the lava flow and even took photos of lava fountains - jets of lava that shoot up as high as a thirty-storey building! He didn’t get any sleep because the volcano was throwing out rocks the size of cars, so for most of the time he was sheltering behind a large boulder! Martin says that he’s had more accidents when mountain climbing than volcano chasing, but that doesn’t stop him from taking precautions because this is a job where safety is a priority. Goggles and a gas mask provide protection from poisonous gases, but gloves are just as important because fresh lava can be as sharp as a knife. Volcano chasing is quite risky. As Martin admits, “One has to know when it is safe to come near and when it is a matter of survival to stay away - sometimes many kilometres away!

задан 9 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


Martin Rietze is a freelance photographer who gets up close to volcanic eruptions to capture stunning shots. He risks his life to get the perfect photograph, sometimes getting within three feet of lava flows and lava fountains. Despite the dangers, he takes precautions such as wearing goggles, a gas mask, and gloves to stay safe. His work is in high demand and he is part of a small group of dedicated volcano chasers.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

Martin Rietze is a German engineer and freelance photographer who is part of a group of volcano chasers. Instead of running away from volcanic eruptions like most people, he gets as close as possible to capture stunning photographs. In the heat of the moment, Martin can feel the burning heat of the lava on his face, even through his gas mask. He waits for the perfect shot, enduring the shaking ground and deafening roar of the erupting volcano.

Being a volcano chaser requires patience and dedication. Martin and his fellow chasers camp near active volcanoes, sometimes waiting for weeks for the perfect moment to capture the eruption. Despite the risks involved, like poisonous gases and sharp lava, Martin's breathtaking photographs of volcanic lightning and lava fountains prove that the danger is worth it.

During the Eyjafjallajokull eruption in 2010, Martin braved freezing temperatures and flying rocks to get within feet of the lava flow. His dedication to safety, with goggles, gas masks, and gloves, ensures that he can continue his dangerous yet rewarding job. Martin's passion for capturing the raw power of nature drives him to push the boundaries of safety, all for the perfect shot.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

"It in the Heat of the Moment" рассказывает о захватывающих приключениях Мартина Ритце, немецкого инженера и свободного фотографа, который специализируется на съемке извержений вулканов. В отличие от большинства людей, которые стремятся убежать подальше от извергающегося вулкана, Мартин находит возможность подойти как можно ближе к эпицентру событий, чтобы запечатлеть уникальные моменты природного явления.

Мартин часто оказывается в опасной близости от лавы и пепла, но его страсть к фотографии и желание зафиксировать редкие и впечатляющие моменты позволяют ему делать удивительные снимки, которые пользуются большим спросом у мировых СМИ. Однако такая близость к извергающемуся вулкану несет в себе риски: рядом с лавой очень горячо, земля дрожит, а воздух наполнен опасными газами и кислотами, которые могут повредить его камеру. Мартин использует специальное защитное снаряжение, включая газовую маску и защитные очки, чтобы минимизировать риски для здоровья и оборудования.

Он также является частью небольшой, но преданной группы "охотников за вулканами", которые следят за активностью спящих вулканов и готовы первыми отправиться к месту событий, чтобы зафиксировать момент пробуждения вулкана. Так, в 2010 году, когда извергся вулкан Эйяфьятлайокудль в Исландии и образовавшиеся облака пепла закрыли воздушное пространство над Северной Европой, Мартин уже находился на месте и смог сделать некоторые из своих самых зрелищных снимков.

Подход Мартина к своей работе отличается высоким уровнем профессионализма и преданности делу. Он признает, что несмотря на опасности, связанные с охотой за вулканами, он пережил больше несчастных случаев во время альпинизма, чем во время фотографирования вулканов. Это не останавливает его, но заставляет быть особенно осторожным и всегда придерживаться мер безопасности.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

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