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letter England university brother visit town changes bus routes local museum natural history wild animals paintings galleries soft drink snack souvenirs

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Dear David,

I am having a great time here with my brother in the west of England. I think it is the most interesting place I have ever visited. As you know, my brother is at university here and so I am staying with him. He has been here for three years and he says the town is not the same since he first arrived here and things have changed. He says that when he first came here, it was difficult to get around but over the years that has changed and now they have started new bus routes. As for my news, so far, I have been to the local museum and have learned a lot of things about natural history and wild animals. The paintings in the different rooms were wonderful too. And it didn’t cost anything either. After walking around all the galleries, I had a soft drink and a snack. That was good too. I haven’t bought any souvenirs yet, but perhaps I will get some tomorrow. Anyway, that’s about all for now.

All the best,


задан 7 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Дорогой Дэвид,

Я прекрасно провожу время здесь с моим братом на западе Англии. Я думаю, что это самое интересное место, которое я когда-либо посещал. Как ты знаешь, мой брат учится здесь в университете, поэтому я останавливаюсь у него. Он здесь уже три года и говорит, что город изменился с тех пор, как он впервые сюда приехал. Он говорит, что когда он только приехал, было сложно передвигаться по городу, но за эти годы многое изменилось, и теперь появились новые автобусные маршруты.

Что касается моих новостей, я уже побывал в местном музее и узнал много нового о естественной истории и диких животных. Картины в разных залах тоже были замечательные. И это всё было бесплатно. После того, как я обошел все галереи, я выпил безалкогольный напиток и съел лёгкую закуску. Это тоже было хорошо. Я ещё не купил никаких сувениров, но, возможно, куплю их завтра. В общем, это всё на данный момент.

Всего наилучшего,


ответил 7 месяцев назад

Dear David,

I am currently enjoying my time here in the west of England with my brother. I find this place to be the most fascinating one I have ever visited. My brother, who is studying at the university here, has been living in this town for three years now. He mentioned that the town has undergone some changes since he first arrived, particularly in terms of transportation. Initially, it was challenging to navigate around the town, but new bus routes have been introduced over the years.

As for my own experiences, I have visited the local museum and gained a wealth of knowledge about natural history and wildlife. The artwork displayed in the various rooms was truly magnificent. What's more, entry to the museum was free of charge. After exploring all the galleries, I treated myself to a refreshing drink and a snack. It was a delightful break. I have yet to purchase any souvenirs, but I might consider doing so tomorrow.

That's all for now.

Best regards, Pearl

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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