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Open the brackets, put the verbs into the Present Simple.
1.Her grandmother often (to watch) tv in the morning.
- My parents sometimes (to go) shopping in the evening.
His cousin usually (to go) to bed at twelve o`clock.
My grandmother always (to take) a shower in the morning.
- We seldom (to have) supper at ten o`clock.
- They (to like) to write letters.
- My father usually (to wash) face and hands at half past seven.
- His friend sometimes (to have) lunch at half past twelve.
- Our friends always (to play) football at three o`clock.
Open the brackets.
What Sue (to want) to be?
Where you usually (to go) to dance?
Why his sister (to wear) warm clothes in summer?
How often Boris (to go) to the stadium to play cricket?
She (to like) to eat biscuits?
What Janet usually ( to do) on Saturday?
With whom you usually (to have) supper?
Nina often (to listen) to records?
When Jack usually (to come) from work?
- Your little sister (to like) to ask questions?
Write sentence as in the example.
Ex.: Dave likes to read books. (to work in the garden) He doesn`t like to work in the garden.
- Molly likes to sleep. (to work)
My father likes to drive a bus. (to play chess)
I like to dream. ( to do homework)
- Sam likes to visit Sue. (to visit Jack)
- They like to sit on the sofa. (to sit on the chairs)
- Julia likes to dance. (to wash the floor.
You like to talk. ( to listen)
- Father likes to drink beer. (to drink tea)
- Billy likes to talk on the phone. (to help about the house)