Помогите сделать пересказ Use Less Stuff! ELIMINATE WASTE & PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Simply speaking,...

экология переработка уменьшение отходов защита окружающей среды повторное использование энергосбережение устойчивое потребление упаковка сокращение бумажных отходов эко инициативы

Помогите сделать пересказ Use Less Stuff! ELIMINATE WASTE & PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Simply speaking, waste is anything thrown away or released into the environment. Unfortunately, a lot of waste can end up harming the environment. You can help protect the environment by learning about and practising the 3 Rs: REDUCE, RECYCLE and REUSE! We've come up with some practical ways of doing this.

CHOOSE TO REUSE It's not waste until you waste it! Think carefully about how you can reuse something before you throw it away. Make a compost heap in the garden with fruit and vegetable material - it will decompose and make good fertiliser for your plants. Also, if things break, try to repair them before you replace them. Remember that one man's rubbish is another man's treasure! If you buy a replacement for something you already have, give the old item to someone who can use it. Have your jeans got holes in the knees? Make new shorts out of them or give them to someone who needs them. Don't throw away empty jars and bottles: rinse them out and use them to store other things.

TURN IT DOWN OR SWITCH IT OFF Always switch off the lights when you leave an empty room, and use light bulbs that save energy. You can also switch off the cooker a few minutes earlier - there will still be enough heat to finish cooking the food. Why not take showers in cooler water and for shorter lengths of time? Finally, turn down the heating and put on warmer clothes if you're cold.

BE A LEAN, GREEN SHOPPING MACHINE Only buy what you really need and use all of it. Thinking about buying something new? Try the 30-day rule - only buy it if you still want it 30 days after you first saw it. At the supermarket, avoid buying things you do not need by writing a shopping list before you go and making sure you keep to it. Of course, you should also take your own bags to put the shopping in. PUT

PACKAGING ON A DIET First things first: buy things with simple packaging that can easily be recycled. Better still, choose products with no packaging at all! Secondly, if you are preparing a packed lunch to eat at school, take a sandwich in a reusable lunchbox, juice in a reusable bottle and a banana, rather than a sandwich in a plastic bag, or a carton of juice and biscuits which are each wrapped in silver paper and even more plastic. And finally . think BIG! One large box of cereal, for example, uses less packaging than several smaller ones and is usually a lot cheaper too!

SAVE ON PAPER Try to cut down on the amount of paper you use. Use a computer and proofread your writing on the screen before you print it out. Use both sides of the paper and then recycle it. Remember that telephone calls and email messages don't create paper waste.

GET OTHERS INVOLVED Last but not least, encourage your friends to cut down on waste too! Swap magazines, books and clothes, send them a copy of this newsletter (on recycled paper, of course!) or start a 'Use Less Stuff!' campaign at your school!

задан 9 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


The article "Use Less Stuff! Eliminate Waste & Protect the Environment" offers practical advice on minimizing waste to safeguard our environment. It emphasizes the importance of adopting the 3 Rs: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse, and provides several actionable tips to help individuals contribute to environmental conservation.

Choose to Reuse: The article suggests that items should be reused instead of being discarded. For example, composting organic kitchen waste like fruit and vegetable scraps can provide excellent fertilizer for plants. Repairing broken items instead of replacing them, repurposing old clothing, and using empty jars and bottles for storage are other ways to minimize waste.

Turn it Down or Switch it Off: Energy conservation is another crucial point. The article advises turning off lights when leaving a room and using energy-efficient bulbs. Other tips include turning off appliances a few minutes before they're no longer needed and opting for cooler, shorter showers. Additionally, it suggests wearing warmer clothes instead of turning up the heat.

Be a Lean, Green Shopping Machine: When shopping, the guidance is to only buy what is essential and adhere to a 30-day rule where you reconsider a purchase 30 days after first wanting it to avoid impulse buying. Preparing a shopping list and sticking to it can prevent unnecessary purchases. Also, bringing your own reusable bags to carry groceries helps reduce plastic waste.

Packaging on a Diet: Choosing products with minimal or no packaging is encouraged. For packed lunches, reusable containers are recommended over disposable ones. Buying larger, bulk items can also reduce the amount of packaging waste and often save money.

Save on Paper: Reducing paper usage is another focus area. Using digital platforms for reading and proofreading before printing, using both sides of the paper, and opting for electronic communication methods like email can significantly cut down paper waste.

Get Others Involved: Finally, the article encourages sharing these environmentally friendly practices with friends and community. This can be done through swapping items like books and clothes, promoting the use of recycled materials, and starting environmental campaigns in schools or local communities.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of simple yet effective ways individuals can reduce their environmental footprint by being mindful of their consumption and waste habits. These practices not only protect the environment but also promote a sustainable lifestyle.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

Пересказ: Чтобы защитить окружающую среду, важно уменьшать использование ресурсов, перерабатывать и повторно использовать материалы. Можно делать это, например, создавая компост из фруктово-овощных отходов, ремонтируя вещи вместо их замены, покупая продукты с минимальной упаковкой и экономя бумагу. Также важно выключать свет и приборы, покупать только необходимое и вовлекать друзей в уменьшение отходов.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

To make a summary, the text emphasizes the importance of reducing waste and protecting the environment by practicing the 3 Rs: reduce, recycle, and reuse. It suggests practical ways to achieve this, such as reusing items before throwing them away, conserving energy by turning off lights and using energy-saving light bulbs, and being mindful of packaging when shopping. It also encourages saving paper, getting others involved in waste reduction efforts, and making conscious choices to only buy what is needed. Overall, the message is to be mindful of our consumption habits and make efforts to minimize waste in order to protect the environment.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

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