TASK 1Liam Killeen.Liam Killeen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since...

Liam Killeen cross country mountain biking rising star World Championship unlucky moments nervous energy steep climbs Olympic Games professional cycling training hard work

TASK 1Liam Killeen.Liam Killeen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and has had both successes and a)………. His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose air in the last part of the race and he finished fourth. This was not the first time he'd been unlucky. In a previous race, it was raining heavily and he crashed his bike just minutes after the start.He often gets nervous before a race but thinks that this is a good thing. ‘Nervous energy makes you go faster and on the day, b) ……. The important thing is to stay positive.’Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. ‘They make all the difference. You have to be really c)…….’ He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier. ‘You can get into the front group more quickly.’Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. ‘I'm still quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so d) ……. I know the Olympics are hard and I'll have to produce my best performance yet. But I feel confident.’Liam trains for 30 hours a week - always outside - and he reaches speeds of 65 kph. He thinks that cycling professionally is the best job in the world and e) ……. His advice to people starting to race is, ‘Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster.’Level AI Choose the right word for each sentence.1) His …. moment was during the world Championship.a) best b) least c) further d) worst2) There is a good thing in getting ……. .a) important b) nervous c) quite d) heavily3) Fewer …. make the start easier.a) climbs b) difference c) riders d) competitions4) Liam ……. to be the Olimpic games.a) has gone b) has won c) has been choosen d) has ridden 5) Liam reaches speeds of 65 kph because he trains only …… .a) in the street b) outside c) inside b) in the field12345Level BI Read the text and answer the questions.1) Why was Liam Killeen unlucky?2) Why is it a good thing to be nervous?3) What makes all the difference?4) Why does he feel confident himself?5) Why is cycling the best job for Liam Killeen?Level CI Complete the sentences.… it's all about winning.… would recommend it to anyone.… disappointments in that time .… I know it’s not possible to win.… I've got enough time to achieve my dream.… fit to get ahead.Помогите!

задан 7 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


1) Liam Killeen was unlucky because his front tire started to lose air during the last part of a recent World Championship race, causing him to finish fourth. He also crashed his bike in a previous race due to heavy rain.

2) It is a good thing to be nervous because nervous energy can make you go faster and perform better on the day of the race.

3) Steep climbs make all the difference in a hard race, as they require a cyclist to be really fit to get ahead.

4) Liam feels confident in himself because he is still young and expects to be riding until his mid-thirties. He knows that the Olympics are challenging, but he believes in his abilities to produce his best performance.

5) Cycling is the best job for Liam Killeen because he enjoys the challenges and rewards of professional cycling. He finds it fulfilling to train outside for 30 hours a week and reach speeds of 65 kph, and he believes that hard work is necessary to become faster in racing.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

Конечно, давайте разберемся с каждым заданием по порядку.

Task 1: Выберите правильное слово для каждого предложения.

  1. His … moment was during the World Championship.

    • a) best
    • b) least
    • c) further
    • d) worst

    Ответ: d) worst Его худший момент был во время чемпионата мира.

  2. There is a good thing in getting … .

    • a) important
    • b) nervous
    • c) quite
    • d) heavily

    Ответ: b) nervous Есть что-то хорошее в том, чтобы быть нервным.

  3. Fewer … make the start easier.

    • a) climbs
    • b) difference
    • c) riders
    • d) competitions

    Ответ: c) riders Меньше гонщиков делает старт легче.

  4. Liam … to be in the Olympic Games.

    • a) has gone
    • b) has won
    • c) has been chosen
    • d) has ridden

    Ответ: c) has been chosen Лиам был выбран для участия в Олимпийских играх.

  5. Liam reaches speeds of 65 kph because he trains only … .

    • a) in the street
    • b) outside
    • c) inside
    • d) in the field

    Ответ: b) outside Лиам достигает скорости 65 км/ч, потому что он тренируется только на улице.

Task 2: Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Why was Liam Killeen unlucky? Лиам был невезучим, потому что его передняя шина начала спускать в конце гонки на Чемпионате мира, и он финишировал четвертым. Также в одной из предыдущих гонок он упал с велосипеда из-за сильного дождя сразу после старта.

  2. Why is it a good thing to be nervous? По мнению Лиама, быть нервным - это хорошо, потому что нервная энергия заставляет ехать быстрее. Главное оставаться позитивным.

  3. What makes all the difference? Сложные гонки с крутыми подъемами делают всю разницу, так как для них нужно быть в очень хорошей физической форме.

  4. Why does he feel confident himself? Лиам чувствует себя уверенно, потому что он молод и у него есть достаточно времени для достижения своей мечты. Он знает, что Олимпийские игры - это сложно, но он уверен в своих силах.

  5. Why is cycling the best job for Liam Killeen? Лиам считает, что профессиональный велоспорт - это лучшая работа в мире, потому что ему нравится тренироваться и соревноваться.

Task 3: Дополните предложения.

  1. … it's all about winning.

    • Ответ: I know it’s not possible to win, but … Я знаю, что невозможно всегда выигрывать, но все дело в победе.
  2. … would recommend it to anyone.

    • Ответ: He thinks that cycling professionally is the best job in the world and … Он считает, что профессиональный велоспорт - это лучшая работа в мире и порекомендовал бы её каждому.
  3. … disappointments in that time.

    • Ответ: He has had both successes and … У него были как успехи, так и разочарования за это время.
  4. … I know it’s not possible to win.

    • Ответ: I'm still quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so … Я все еще достаточно молод и ожидаю, что буду кататься до середины тридцатых, поэтому я знаю, что невозможно всегда побеждать.
  5. … I've got enough time to achieve my dream.

    • Ответ: He feels confident because … Он чувствует себя уверенно, потому что у него достаточно времени для достижения своей мечты.
  6. … fit to get ahead.

    • Ответ: You have to be really … Нужно быть действительно в хорошей форме, чтобы обогнать других.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам справиться с заданиями!

ответил 7 месяцев назад

1) Liam Killeen was unlucky because his front tyre started to lose air in the last part of a recent World Championship race and he crashed his bike in a previous race due to heavy rain. 2) It is a good thing to be nervous because it gives you nervous energy that can make you go faster. 3) Steep climbs make all the difference in a race. 4) He feels confident because he has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and he expects to be riding until his mid-thirties. 5) Cycling is the best job for Liam Killeen because he enjoys it and thinks it is the best way to make a living doing what he loves.

Level CI Complete the sentences.

  • I know it’s not possible to win.
  • I've got enough time to achieve my dream.
  • There have been disappointments in that time.
  • Fit to get ahead.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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